Monday, February 26, 2007

confetti witches

Last week Z in Villigen posted a series of pictures of Fasnacht in her area and in Baden. Zurich celebrates Fasnacht one week later. Not quite sure why, but Zurich is Protestant, and their calendar is slightly different. Fasnacht festivities took place all weekend, culminating in a parade yesterday, which was a bit of a wash because it was cold and dreary. I took a ton of pictures, but haven't had a chance to go through them all. I'll try to post some more over the next few days, assuming everyone hasn't OD'd on Fasnacht yet. I'll start with these two little witches who were thoroughly enjoying throwing confetti at the spectators. They had fallen behind because they were busy throwing confetti around, and were running to catch up with their group in the parade.

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Anonymous said...

Very nice photos showing colors I have not seen in a long time.

I also noticed the street or pavement looks different. It doesn't look like asphalt. Does it contain something that is white as in the photo?

AinZ said...

Hi Abraham Lincoln, thanks for stopping by. The street was wet because it had rained earlier in the day. So I guess what you are seeing are bits of confetti stuck to the pavement.

Mandy said...

what charming wee witches they are.