Sunday, August 26, 2007

legalize it!


found on the ceiling of an underpass at Wollishofen train station.


Anonymous said...

I don't think it will ever happen. But the thought is nice.

If you stop to think about it, news stops for the weekends.

Crime goes down on weekends that is brutal crime does. They know it won't get on television until Monday.

And I am astonished that newsrooms have meetings to decide what to publish in newspapers. So we also have "managed" news, or someone makes the decision about what goes on the news on television and what goes in the newspaper.

Those are two of the reasons there will not be a four day weekend. The criminals won't have enough time to do their thing in three days.

Anonymous said...

Ich werde für diese schöne Idee mitkampfen!

Unknown said...

I agree with that!

But I guess it will never happen.
Maybe when I retire, I will have a 7 day weekend! haha...