Monday, August 27, 2007

la locura

There was definitely no shortage of events, street parties, neighborhood festivals, and outdoor concerts in town this past weekend: Dörflifäscht in the Old Town, Röntgenplatz Fest in Kreis 5, Limmatschwimmen, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, and not to mention the wonderful last blast of summer weather we just had this weekend (after weeks of rain). This partly explains my lackadaisical posting recently--I've been so busy outside enjoying the city and the weather, that I've hardly been home long enough to download, sort and post pictures. (yeah, I cheated a bit and backposted a few). Pictured here is a Swiss band called "Fiji" performing at La Locura festival by the lake in Wollishofen-- an alternative arts event that ran parallel to the larger scale Theater Spektakel, featuring theatre and dance performances, street performers, art activities for kids, outdoor concerts, DJs, food stalls and vendors.

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