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oh what a great contrast between the snowy version and this one with the gorgeous sky!
that building is cool to, i like its huge balcony!
I like the snowy view but I love the mellow light in this one. So each floor is just one apartment?
Nice photo! I like the building a lot, wouldn't mind looking at it every day. Heck, wouldn't mind living in it at all. That's the kind of building I favor, mid-rise, large windows, wide terraces.
These terraces are so romantic
Love the lighting!
wow what a great building. It is better to look ast that than to live in that...:)
I like the snowy photo too
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I like the sight you see. It is a nice-looking building and not a brick wall. I think the nice thing about theme day is that we get to see what the other person sees and has taken for granted.
Abraham Lincoln
June Theme Day Participant
Brookville Daily Photo
My Photography
la lumiere est magnifique. elle donne une superbe couleur. bravo tres belle photo de nuit
the light is splendid. it gives a superb color. cheer very beautiful photograph of night
Even if I love snow, I think I prefer this last version which is really nice.
You are more lucky than they are coz you can see this lovely mellow evening from your cozy room...I would say I prefer to be in your side to enjoy the twilight!
Have you gone into those apartments?
It looks nice ya...
Happy Theme Day!
I think I see some trees on the rooftop. I really do like the whole gardening on balconies and roofs concept. Nice for the owners, and nice for the neighbors too!
Beautiful colors!
Your shot is so nice! My pics by night are always...failed. Sorry not to have your link on my list, but I've found you however.
Nice photo of the lights on this building.
this remind me a "back window" the film.
Hi, thanks for visiting my window. Yes, I am very un-Swiss! I have even been known to turn on the vaccuum cleaner on a Sunday (not TOO often, mind you! Don't want to show up the dirty windows)
Wow that's a great photo!
Quick question... I'm going to be in Geneva for about a week in the summer, and I was wondering (if you have been there - I know it's a bit far) what sugestions you had for places I could visit?
I like this view alot!!
This is beautiful night photography. I especially like the color of the clouds ... As for the luxury apartments. I am envious of their balconies and all those windows.
Nice photo - I like the apartment brightly lit against the evening sky. My first visit to your site - I like it!
nice view
Amazing view!! I love the light coming from the neighbors' apartment.
Nice trendy view! Greetings from Toruń DP...thanks for visiting us!
Very nice shot.
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