Saturday, March 24, 2007


After an unseasonably warm few months, this sudden late blast of winter brings with it the joys of playing in the snow, regressing to childhood and playing on the swings like these three fully grown women. The tower in the background is the Urania Observatory. One floor below the observatory, is the Jules Verne Panorama Bar which, as the name suggests, offers nice views of the city.


Pat said...

Oh, what fun! I love to swing! (I usually have my granddaughter with me!)

Pat's Photos and
Guelph Daily Photo

Kate said...

I'm a wee bit older than "a fully grown woman" and I still love to swing. What a pleasant scene you captured!!

Anonymous said...

Nicely caught Ainz - em, we seem to have synchronised loactions

Z said...

Have you been to the Panorama Bar? Weirdly, I noticed it for the first time last week when we were in ZH. I knew the observatory of course, but not the bar.

AinZ said...

pat & kate-thanks for stopping by. Yes, swings are fun!

Richard--yes, that's pretty funny that we both posted a scene from the Lindenhof on the same day. Actually, my dad emailed me asking me if it was the same park. It looks like someone else noticed that too and commented on your blog. You can see the swing & drinking fountain in the background of your picture.

Z-yes. I've been to the Panorama It's one of those nice, chic but pricey bars. it's small, small, small--not much space at the top of that tower...