Saturday, July 14, 2007

underground garbage

Workers gettting ready to install an underground household garbage disposal container in the Old Town. Trash must be placed in a specially marked, pricey garbage bag called 'Züri-Sack' which is essentially a trash tax encouraging people to produce less waste. So that's where the trash ends up .... And all this time I thought there were underground gnomes collecting the city's garbage, making sure we used the proper Züri-Sack and separated our trash from our recyclables properly. oh, wait a minute....I guess I got it all mixed up...the gnomes are for the gold...


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Nice photo and very neat concept (I was curious about it so I googled it and found this interesting article).

Gerald (SK14) said...

Not sure I understand much of this, but these underground bins seem to be a lot less unsightly than rows of wheelie-bins everywhere.